Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Wow, Has It Been A Week Already?

Shows you what happens when TBG is in SWMBO was gone for a few days!

Speaking of TBG, didya' all know his birthday is today? It's a milestone--any guesses which one?

Anywho, we had our last obedience class last night. As in, like the very last--ever! TBG and SWMBO are responsible for taking me to four different sessions during our time together, and this was IT! We are all a little sad, I think. SWMBO keeps saying, "the puppy is leaving in two months, the puppy is leaving in two months" and then mumbles something about Suzanne and very sad Puppy Training Emails and why did it have to be mailed the Friday of Memorial Weekend anyway? But, once again, I digress. Back to obedience class.

Think I'll just post some pics of me and my classmates. Notice the great ribbons we received as a result of passing our test! (BTW, I got 96/100 points...I'm just sayin'!)

Doing our down stays

So, I have dog distraction! Big deal!

Walking fast and slow and at a regular pace

Had to show 4 tricks. Here I am doing my up!

Here are some of my classmates struttin' their stuff!

Mark doing his best impression of a post to help the others with the test. He got better each time!

Me and my ribbon!

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